Friday, June 20, 2014


Wow, people are really mad about this...
If you can read these support us to stop dumb
sexist comments!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Really Texas?!

Okay, it might seem that we are trying to turn you against texas, but they're not helping at all. This is a link to a articale.

"It’s heartbreaking to think that a state has erased the parents of children and put a family in legal jeopardy, simply because of discrimination against gay and lesbian couples. But that’s what happened to a gay couple in Texas after what they described as the "magical" birth of their twin boys.

Jason Hanna and Joe Riggs are the proud fathers of Lucas and Ethan, who were born in April, after they'd connected with a surrogate mom, CharLynn.

Each of the men is a biological father to one of the babies. But, because Texas has a ban on gay marriage (it was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge last February, but the decision was stayed pending appeal), and because a judge can use his or her own discretion in these cases, neither of the men is currently on the birth certificates of either of the boys, nor have they been able to co-adopt each other’s biological child." This is HORRIBLE That is against their HUMAN RIGHTS! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!

Comment what you think- The LGBTQ Peep

North Korea on Gay Rights

"The Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) said it was “ridiculous” that Kirby, a ”disgusting old lecher with a 40-odd-year-long career of homosexuality,” should be responsible for investigating human rights.
“It is ridiculous for such gay to sponsor dealing with others’ human rights issue,” the KCNA said, suggesting Kirby had fabricated a recent UN report on human rights abuses in North Korea.
The KCNA also attempted to further discredit Kirby by citing his wish to marry his long term partner of over 40 years, Johan van Vloten. “He is now over seventy, but he is still anxious to get married to his homosexual partner,” the KCNA said."
See the full article here.
To clarify, the KCNA is the Korean Central News Agency. Just in case you were wondering.
I think that the DPRK should seriously consider being respectful of Gays, even if they are the country who blocked YouTube and have one of the most relentless and dictator-like "democracies" in the history of EVER.

Comment your thoughts on Korean Gay rights!

Why so many anti-gay dictators? -Totoro

Mexican Soccer Slurs

"¡Puto!," many of Mexico's supporters chant laughingly during goal kicks by the opposing team's goal keeper (see video from a 2013 U.S.-Mexico game for an example). The word is slang for "fag" or "coward." Some say its use in soccer is a cultural phrase that means cowardly and is not directed at gays, but the meaning is clearly designed to mock the opponent as weak and unmanly.

Why. Does. Mexico. Consider. Being. Gay. An. INSULT?!

This is exactly what we're trying to stop, yet everyone seems to want to drag us back in for more. GAH!!!

Comment your thoughts on the Mexican slurs, please and thanks.

Oh my God stop already! -Totoro

P.S. Brazil is totally going to win the cup!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Gay People in Russia

"This has worried many gay couples with children, who could be breaking the law by telling their children that their relationships are equal to those of their straight friends and neighbours. Another bill, which sought to remove children from their gay parents, was withdrawn late last year due to lack of support." (ABC News on Russian Gay Rights)

The new laws in Russia restricting what can be said to children about gay (for lack of a better word) "stuff" are preposterous! It scares gay couples away from telling their children about their "lifestyle".

The Russian Parliament also tried to pass a law to take away kids from gay couples. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS MADNESS? Can someone PLEASE overthrow this government already?!

Comment your thoughts on Russian insanity!

Seriously?! -Totoro

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Yeah Right...

This is the link to the NYC DOE's Transgender student guidelines.

You can see that they say that they are trying to make it a discrimination-free learning zone, but then they go out and block websites for "Lesbian & Gay Interests"! Can you believe the Hypocrisy they are showing?! That is plain stupidity! The NYCDOE are trying to eliminate discrimination, but they are doing it themselves! This is plain out horrible!

Comment what you think, -TheLGBTQ_Peep

Do they taste the same?

OK, this news isn't exactly recent, but I still find it noteworthy. The Chromebook I'm using doesn't let me upload photos (sorry!) but I can describe the scenario.
On Krafts Facebook page, a picture was found. One of an oreo with rainbow filling, accompanied by the word "Pride". Yipee, Kraft!!! So. We have a mayor, an Israeli embassy, and a cookie supporting LGBT people. I'm pretty surprised at how widespread the love is getting, considering how widespread the hate already is, ya gay-hating jerks! (I'm kidding, of course. If you're reading this blog you're probably supportive of gays and their rights. If not, this sentence still applies. JSYK.)

Love those cookies, Totoro

Monday, June 16, 2014



Isn't it great that our wonderful city's mayor is supporting gay pride parades? I sure think so! Out with the old, in with the new. See ya, Bloomberg! Get over here, de Blasio! Woopee!

-Happy Fathers Day again, LGBTQ_Totoro! WOOPEE!

Note: I was really hopped up on caffeine when I drafted this... :l -Totoro

This Is HUGE!

Awesome EMBASSY! Look at this! This is awesome! The U.S Embassy is Israel has raised the LGBTQ Flag showing their true pride!

- Comment what you think. -Lgbtq Peep

Some Texans aren't so bad after all!

Link for the article:

Other news: This guy rocks! “You are my daughter — you deserve the same love and acceptance and to share in the same freedoms to marry the person you love." BEST. DAD. EVAH. Alright, post your stories of acceptance and/or love in the comments section down below

-Happy Fathers Day! -Totoro

Still gettin' blocked.

Even MORE websites gettin' blocked. Yipee. Comment any blocked sites you know of.

These people are insane, -Totoro

NYCDOE, You suck.

The NYCDOE is sexist. Yes, the word also applies to gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer. Especially gay and lesbian. This is what it looks like when they block a website for "gay or lesbian interest"Our first big step is probably to try to STOP THIS!!! It's insanity how stupidly simple it is for the DOE to just say "nope!" Thanks, WebSense. Thanks. Does the chancellor know about this? LGBTQ people need to stand up for themselves. If they don't, nobody will. (Except us awesome activists, of course). Comment what you think about this DOE insanity in the comments section down below.

-Fix the Web"Sense" -Totoro

Park Slope LGBTQ Parade!

So there was an LGBTQ parade on Saturday. I missed it, but here are some photos!

Boy Scouts marching for LGBTQ pride!


Mayor DeBlasio

Mayor DeBlasio

Thursday, June 12, 2014


So, as many know, there are religions that consider homosexuality a sin. And really, all it's doing is holding back new ways. because frankly, religious people seem to be the most reluctant to change, and accept others. Not trying to hate on the ENTIRETY of religious people, but really, alot of them are against this. Watch this video, it really helps you understand. (Seriously, watch till the end.)


"A clerk of courts in Northeastern Pennsylvania is looking to overturn last month’s federal court ruling that granted marriage equality in the Keystone State.

Theresa Santai-Gaffney, register of wills and clerk of Orphan’s Court in Schuylkill County, filed a motion of intervention June 6 in Whitewood v. Wolf, filed last summer by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a group of same-sex couples.

On May 20, U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones 3d ruled in that case that the state’s ban on marriage equality was unconstitutional. The following day, Gov. Tom Corbett declined to appeal, and Pennsylvania became the 19th state to sanction same-sex marriage.

With no state official taking on the appeal, Santai-Gaffney is now seeking to step in to take the case to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Any appeal would need to be filed within 30 days of Jones’ ruling.

Intervenor status can be granted to parties who demonstrate that their intervention is timely, that the party has a sufficient interest in the litigation, that the interest is affected or impaired by the issue at hand and that the interest is not currently represented by an existing party.

The same day she filed her request for intervention, Santai-Gaffney also requested a stay — which, if granted, would halt same-sex marriages — and noted her intention to file the formal appeal.

Santai-Gaffney argued that she has “myriad significantly protectable interests” that would qualify her to become an intervenor, namely that her office issues marriage licenses for the county.

ACLU of Pennsylvania senior staff attorney Mary Catherine Roper said her agency plans to file a motion this week asking Jones to deny Santai-Gaffney’s request.

“I don’t think she’s a proper litigant to try to intervene,” Roper said, noting that intervenor efforts are not rare in cases such as this. “These are pretty common in many of these suits, where people other than government officials — who are actually the ones who make decisions about the law — try to intervene. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t; it really depends on the legal position of the person trying to intervene. But we don’t think she’s the right kind of person to do that.”

James Schneller, president of antigay Philadephia Metro Taskforce, has also been trying to intervene throughout the duration of the Whitewood case, to no avail.

Schuylkill County is located about 50 miles northeast of Harrisburg in the state’s coal region. The county seat is Pottsville." Says PGN (Philadelphia Gay News)

This is good news! Philly made it legal stating that "The ban on gay marriage was un- constitutional! This is a big victory for our cause!

"Curing Gay People"

Apparently Texas is trying to "cure" Gay persons. They are now considering it a sickness. They are now prescribing therapy for gay minors because they are trying to "cure" them. What the heck is this?! With all do respect, their government is INSANE!!
This is against their basic Human Rights!
Baptist Missionary Tortured 12-Year Old Son To “Cure” Him of being GAY! This is horrifying!
Read more here.

Brinton says that during an attempted suicide, his mother offered, “I’ll love you again if you just change.” CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!

What do You Think about this? Tell me in the comments. - TheLGBTQ_Peep

Totoro does not approve!

Ok, ok. It's bad enough that lesbian and gay marriage is illegal in some states, now Texas considers being LGBT a sickness?! WTH!?!? Ok, Obama, fix your Texas. Comment your thoughts on Texan insanity.

-Sorry this one was short, Totoro

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Legal Issue

The NYCDOE has banned websites like games and thats okay, but what's not okay is that the NYCDOE has banned websites for the the following: "Gay & Lesbian interests" This is a HUGE problem. This is a huge violation on peoples rights. Imagine how Gay and Lesbian people are feeling about this. This is the New York City government! This is super wrong for the city to do this. We also fear that they might block this website, but for right now that is not a problem.
This is a link to a petition to stop them from doing this. I am super mad at the city for doing this.

 Comment your thoughts on this issue.

 Give LGBT(Q) Persons RIGHTS!- TheLGBTQ_Peep (Francois)

Friday, June 6, 2014


What we don't understand about anti-LGBTQ people is why they oppose it? Loving who you love is a universal right, whether they are male, female, or transgender! Love who you love, because you love them! Some people and/or religions look down on LGBTQ people for loving/marrying certain genders or people because of how they see themselves. We want to stop that, and make everybody equal, have equal marriage, and equal rights to love!


 So we found our first vict- I mean obstacle. There's a kid in our class that thinks that LGBT rights and gay marraige is "wrong". So, our group has decided we'd spend our time convincing him otherwise. We haven't made much progress yet, but we'll keep you updated.


LGBTQ people are being themselves. They are not making the mistake of trying to fit in. This is like discriminating and subtracting rights because of race or religion, except it's because of who they are.  You may think you've gotten over being a bully, teasing someone for liking a specific color, but you may still be doing this.  You are still bullying if you don't allow these people to be themselves.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why Are SO Many People Opposed To LGBT(Q) Rights?

Ok, seriously. Why do people hate LGBTQs so much? If you oppose something, don't illegalize it, just say so! If being lesbian and/or gay is "against God's will", why are most of the animals on Earth homosexual? Sorry this was such a short post, but my time is limited. Post in the comments section down below what you think about gay marriage!

Think about it, -Totoro

Monday, June 2, 2014


Hello! We are a student group for LGBTQ rights! We are putting together this website! More updates to come out soon.