Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Taiwanese Transgenders Get A Victory.

"Taiwanese activists are hailing a decision by the Legislative Yuan to allow trans people to legally change their gender without having to undergo surgery, as landmark.
The Legislative Yuan passed a Bill on Tuesday that scrapped the requirement for Taiwanese trans people to undergo gender reassignment before being able to receive legal gender recognition.
Taiwanese authorities described the previous situation as inhumane, and the Bill marks the reversal of a 2008 order by the Ministry of Interior that said trans and intersex people must have the ‘relevant sexual organs' in order to apply for recognition of their gender."
Lets post some good news shall we? I don't wanna become the New York Times and only post the bad. So the Taiwanese government has decided that their previous law was inhumane because for someone to change their gender they had to get surgery to get the sex organs of that gender. Now this would mean you need lots of money and that you would have to get a doctor that would do it for you and a donor that has privates on demand.  Read more at http://gaynewsnetwork.com.au/news/world/gender-recognition-for-taiwan-s-trans-people-16032.html

See you tomorrow!

TheLGBTQ_Peep (Francois van Kempen)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Homophobic's arrested for attacking a gay couple


"Police have arrested a man and a woman alleged to have been involved in an assault on two gay friends who were singing songs from Wicked whilst travelling on a tram to Piccadilly Gardens.
Nineteen-year-old Jake Heaton and 25-year-old Jean Claude were travelling from Buton to Manchester when a man and woman began hurling anti-gay taunts at the pair because they were singing songs.
Heaton and Claude exited the train at Piccadilly Gardens where they allege the abusive passengers then “called over” a group of up to 15 men who set upon the friends, beating them while hurling more homophobic taunts.
The pair were left badly beaten – with Claude knocked unconscious."
Okay to the homophobic's out there, I can't stop your hate for the LGBTQ community, but I hope I can stop you from attacking them! Why would you attack two gay lovers?! Let me help you understand. If we where in a flipped world where straight people where the odd ones out would it be okay for a person of the LGBTQ community to attack a straight for being different? NO! If yes than please visit the nearest metal asylum and STAY THERE! I mean, come one people! Attacking someone is bad enough! But attacking someone because of their lifestyle? HORRIBLE!! I'm sorry I'm yelling so much but I had to get this off my chest.
LGBTQ's, keep loving who you love!
Francois, (TheLGBTQ_Peep)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Arizona preacher thinks killing gays will stop AIDS


"In what can only be described as hate speech, a Baptist pastor from Arizona has told his congregation the best way to eradicate AIDS is to kill the gays.
According to reports online, the speech was provoked after the pastor, Steven Anderson from the Faithful World Baptist Church, became incensed that his local bank had displayed decorations in support of World AIDS Day.
Anderson suggested he had the solution for an end to HIV transmission: kill all gay people."
I know we are about support we also should show the bad stuff that is going on and this is just horrifying! Apparently to solve AIDS we have to kill all gays to achieve that. How would that be? Are all and only gay people the ones with AIDS? Whoops! There I go again, using that old logic, something obviously not acceptable to this person.

To all the LGBTQs out there, stay strong no matter how much hate you get. They can't stop your love for each other! 
Stay strong,
Francois (TheLGBTQ_Peep)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sorry about no updates D:

Sorry guys! We have not been posting in a while, but we are schoolchildren and we have work to do and this is a side project and I try to fit this into my schedule but I am having a hard time finding it, but since I am moving to Australia and will be not in school until January and I will post a lot now! Expect only the greatest news from us!

-Francois van Kempen (TheLGBTQ_Peep)