Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Will Australia go all the way?


"CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Gay and lesbian couples from around Australia joined in fragile marriages in Canberra on Saturday under the nation's beleaguered same-sex union laws that face a challenge in the courts within a week.
The hastily-arranged ceremonies held under blue summer skies were bitter-sweet occasions for some couples who realize the High Court could annul their unions on Thursday.
The federal government has challenged the validity of the Australian Capital Territory's fledgling law that had made gay marriage legal in Canberra and its surrounds from Saturday.
Bills to change federal law to allow gay marriage were twice rejected by Parliament last year, and Prime Minister Tony Abbott was elected in September on a platform of opposing marriage equality.
Some marriage equality advocates feared that the High Court would block same-sex wedding from Tuesday when it heard the challenge. But no orders were made to impede weekend ceremonies.
If the law survives the High court challenge next week, the Federal Parliament could then overturn it with legislation that would ignite a divisive and bitter debate about human and state rights.
Rodney Croome, national director of the advocacy group Australian Marriage Equality, said 25 same-sex couples had reported planning to marry in Canberra this weekend, including his deputy director, Ivan Hinton.
The actual figure could be higher."
Read more on "The Huffington Post"

This is great, I am so happy for that couple finally marrying each other even though they are gay. This is a amazing struggle that I hope they will win.

Until next time, 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Alaska couples launch challenge to state's same-sex marriage ban

Alaska gays are challenging the law. Click Here

Arkansas gay marriage

"Five gay couples filed a lawsuit Monday challenging Alaska's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional.
The Alaska lawsuit, filed in federal court in Anchorage, lists as plaintiffs four couples who were married outside Alaska and one unmarried couple. It alleges that Alaska's ban on same-sex marriage violates their rights to due process and equal protection under the US constitution.
The lawsuit seeks to bar enforcement of Alaska's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. It also calls for barring enforcement of any state laws that refuse to recognize gay marriages legally performed in other states or countries or that prevent unmarried gay couples from marrying.
Alaska voters in 1998 approved a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between one man and one woman. But in the past year, the US supreme court has struck down a provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that prevented legally married same-sex couples from receiving a range of federal benefits. Federal courts also have struck down state constitutional bans in a number of states, though appeals were pending in a number of cases. States such as Illinois and Hawaii legalized same-sex marriage."
More at the link
Finally some victory. I feel so happy for these couples! They are doing what is right for this community and fighting the law. Keep fighting, and never give up

Until next time,  

Unisex Bathrooms

Unisex barbers exist. It is perfectly acceptable to have these exist, right? Would you say the same for bathrooms? Maybe if you are transgender.  In the supreme court in washington d.c., the fight for unisex bathrooms is still current. Some have said that provokes cases of harassment in these bathrooms, but transgenders have said it would stop or at least lessen discrimination against them. They feel that even if they identify as male/female, they are discriminated.


I realize that we have been ignoring genderqueer.

So now, I'm gonna put an end to that.

Transgenders, if you did not know, are people who want to be the opposite gender. There are also agenders, who are people who do not refer to themselves as any gender, and genderfluids, who switch between genders depending on their mood. Genderqueer is a term that can be used to refer to everyone who doesn't agree with their physical sex. If you aren't Genderqueer, then you are considered a Cisgender.

Alot of people don't know about Transgenders. In fact, the gender binary that we have become so familiar with isn't even real. If you don't know, biological gender is defined by a thing called chromosomes. We are told by many that there are two combinations of chromosomes: XX(female), and XY(male). In fact, there are many, many more.

Sorry if i'm not right about this - I'm no science expert.

Also, our email! If you read this blog, and you feel left out, tell us! We really want to include everyone, so tell us if we're forgetting something! You can find our email on the about page.

I Want YOU For The Gay-Straight Alliance!

Find a person your age who discredits LGBTQ people and ask why and (if you want,) argue. you gotta start small. If they tell you why it may help you understand why people are against it.

Hello Again

I am very sorry for not posting over the summer, we basically split ways and did not post for the entire summer, but now we are back and we are growing! 88 people from Russia! 951 from America!!!!!!! Can you believe that?! I am so happy to see that our website is such a success! And now that I am moving to Australia I can work on the Aussie Branch! I love to see this website boom,

More coming, TheLGBTQ_Peep