Friday, September 19, 2014

Alaska couples launch challenge to state's same-sex marriage ban

Alaska gays are challenging the law. Click Here

Arkansas gay marriage

"Five gay couples filed a lawsuit Monday challenging Alaska's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional.
The Alaska lawsuit, filed in federal court in Anchorage, lists as plaintiffs four couples who were married outside Alaska and one unmarried couple. It alleges that Alaska's ban on same-sex marriage violates their rights to due process and equal protection under the US constitution.
The lawsuit seeks to bar enforcement of Alaska's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. It also calls for barring enforcement of any state laws that refuse to recognize gay marriages legally performed in other states or countries or that prevent unmarried gay couples from marrying.
Alaska voters in 1998 approved a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between one man and one woman. But in the past year, the US supreme court has struck down a provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that prevented legally married same-sex couples from receiving a range of federal benefits. Federal courts also have struck down state constitutional bans in a number of states, though appeals were pending in a number of cases. States such as Illinois and Hawaii legalized same-sex marriage."
More at the link
Finally some victory. I feel so happy for these couples! They are doing what is right for this community and fighting the law. Keep fighting, and never give up

Until next time,  

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